Tuition payments are due 1st of each month. If tuition is not paid by the 10th of the month, a $20 Late Fee will be charged if previous arrangements have not been made in the office. Students whose accounts are not up to date by the third week of the month will not be permitted to take class until the account has been discussed with a Company C representative to arrange payment. All returned checks will be assessed a $25 service fee. Tuition is non-refundable. Tuition will not be reimbursed due to absences of any kind and tuition will not be prorated. Tuition is paid monthly and calculated based on the number of classes taken throughout the year to account for shorter and longer months and holidays. Monthly tuition is due regardless of attendance. If for any reason, a student is unable to attend class it is the parents responsibility to notify Company C. The parent must submit in writing a letter of withdrawal from class by the last day of the month in order to not be charged the next months tuition.
All accounts must have a credit card account on file. At the time of registration you will select self-pay or auto-draft. Tuition payments may be set to auto-draft on the 1st, 5th or 10th of the month, self-pay through the parent portal or paid cash/check in the studio. Any tuition not paid after the 10th will automatically be drafted from the account on file on the 11th of each month. If payment is declined on the 11th the late fee will be charged.
Accounts must be in good standing in order to schedule any private lessons.
All students are asked to complete a registration form with current information and a waiver of liability. A Non-Refundable $35 Registration Fee is required each year, $30 for a second dancer in the immediate family, $25 for a third or a flat $100 fee for a family of 4 or more. This fee is applicable through July 2024.
Various fundraisers will be held throughout the dance year. Fundraisers are completely optional. All profits raised apply directly to your account. Fundraising profits may not be cashed out.
Students will be placed in their appropriate classes based on age and skill level. It is at the discretion of Company C as to which classes they will be eligible to enroll in. In order to give the dancer the best instruction possible, instructors have the authority to request that students be moved to higher or lower level class if necessary based on their performance.
****PLEASE NOTE AT THIS TIME THE LOBBY WILL REMAIN CLOSED DURING ALL CLASSES. Appointments will be scheduled during office hours as needed.
All students are asked to arrive 10 minutes prior to the start of their class. Students may enter and place any bags and items in the cubbies located in the hallway. Parents, family and friends are asked to remain in the lobby during classes. Visitors are not permitted in the dance room during class unless it has been pre-approved by a Company C instructor. No food or drink is permitted on the dance floor. All trash and belongings should be cleaned up from the dance room and/or lobby before each student leaves. There is no food allowed in the dance studio at any time. Only water or capped bottle drinks are allowed. Food is only allowed only in the break room.
Students are asked to remain quiet during class out of respect for their classmates and instructors. Disobedient, rude and argumentative behavior towards other students or instructors is not tolerated. Students will be given a warning for any inappropriate behavior. If the student receives two warnings, they will be asked to leave the classroom. Parents, family and friends are asked to follow the same principals. Gossiping & critiquing only disrupts a positive environment. If a parent has any issues or concerns, please bring them directly to a Company C instructor in a timely and private manner. All children not participating directly in class should be under the supervision of an adult. Dancers are not permitted to arrive early and stay late. No food is permitted from siblings or adults in the studio as well except the break room. No GUM is permitted at any time. Please check the bathrooms after your dancers to ensure that toilets and items left behind are handled in the appropriate manner.
In order to assure the safety, security and well-being of the dancers and staff of Company C the following policies are in effect:
Dancers and one accompanying adult are permitted in the building to drop off/pick up during their scheduled classes.
Lobby remains closed to all visitors and/or those waiting for class to conclude.
Only dancers and Company C Staff are permitted passed the lobby door.
All visitors must check in with a Company C Staff member in the office and will only be permitted into other areas if approved and accompanied by that staff member.
For those waiting in the parking lot, please be sure not to block any doors as those are emergency exits.
Please drive slowly around the building.
For safety and liability we ask that NO ONE climb/stand in the flower bed areas in the front of the building or the greenhouse. Please use the driveway to walk around from the upper parking lot. Use of the hill as a cut through is not permitted.
Company C will generally follow the school closings for Muscogee County. Absences from class for other school system closings will be taken into consideration. In the event that regular school is cancelled for any reason or after school activities are cancelled due to extreme weather conditions, Company C will follow the same procedures. Notices will be sent as soon as possible via email and social media postings.
*Competition Team members may be required to attend rehearsals and/or competitions during scheduled breaks.
All dancers will be included in our Annual Spring Production Saturday, June 1, 2024 at the RiverCenter for Performing Arts. Costume deposits are due beginning in October and balances paid December. If for any reason the dancer will not be able to participate in the show the office must be notified before costumes are ordered. Please see the parent handbook located in your portal for more information.